The Creative Journey - Standing Before the Fork in the Road


Where to go next, a vagueness, a question and yet a great sense that I've been here before.  Flashbacks to a time decades ago keep streaming in while future possibilities fill my consciousness all at the same time.  Maybe it's the spirit of Christmas past...

I feel as though I am walking into a totally new phase of my life - unfamiliar territory - with many new pathways in front of me.  I am unsure of my surroundings, but very curious and intrigued about what is around the corner.

Something in my subconscious has stirred and the tectonic plates are shifting ever so slowly, but oh so distinctly.  In times past, this feeling of the unknown would set off loads of stress and anxiety.  Not this time.  

It feels welcoming, positive and strangely like the place I was meant to be long ago, before all the detours of life took me elsewhere.

I don't know where this flight is taking me, but I'm happy to get on board and anxious to get there.

I found lately that I have been having more difficulty drawing in my usual way.  What would flow easily, is now encountering points of hesitation - my mind wants to go in one direction, while my hand wants to go in another.  My old familiar style is in some type of holding pattern, but the "something totally new and different", that I sense is just beneath the surface and isn't ready to emerge yet.

Little glimpses of new forms have been popping up here and there in the past few months, but they feel like a pinhole view of something immense on the other side.

My Daily Doodle entries reflect an unsettled state - just indecisive scribbles.

I don't know what it will take to break through, so I will allow the process to take it's course and enjoy this new phase of the journey.

Following my intention to nurture and explore this new path, I found Louise Gale's 2012 Creative Color Challenge, or should I say, it found me.  What perfect timing!

With the new year approaching, I have been reflecting on this past year and on my direction and focus for 2012.  I was looking for a theme or word for my 2012 goals, but haven't found what feels right.  

I just started my blog this past March and spent this year exploring and carving out my little niche in the creative blogosphere.  I have lost and found myself many times in my life - LOL! - so exploration doesn't quite fit this new phase of the journey.  Refining is more appropriate, but not quite right either.

My birthday is coming up and it is the birthday before the "big one".  I want this coming year to be filled with creativity like no other, so when I hit that "big one" next year, it will be one that I celebrate and embrace.

My heart is filled with such gratitude and joy right now.  To anyone who stops by to visit and read my blog, I thank you and wish you a new year filled with peace, love and all things creative.  I hope you will join me on a creative adventure at Louise's Creative Color Challenge.


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